Aliza Medical Imaging
Aliza Medical Imaging & DICOM Viewer 2.7.3 (Linux, macOS, Windows)
Aliza MS DICOM Viewer 1.9.10 (open source)
New in latest releases
Improved and fixed regression in 'Draw Contours' tool
Improved PACS: configuration, added C-MOVE, C-ECHO
DICOM 2024a
DICOM 2023e, HTJ2K
DICOM 2023c; read Key Object Selection IOD
Improved shift-and-scale filter, new options, warnings
Multi View is now in a 'tab' by default, s. Settings/Application to open in the separate window
Improved Multi View
side-by-side view
Improved labels/binary image to mesh filter (option to clean meshes)
PACS (WIP, currently C-FIND, C-GET)
New filters for meshes
Fusion filter accepts also non-uniform images
Advanced options for enhanced IODs (s. Settings)
Improved DICOM export
Many other improvements
Improved Draw Segmentation tool (overlay images)
Improved Draw Contours tool
Hold Ctrl (Command) and left-click to add POINT type ROI
Default type for contours is CLOSED_PLANAR, show info at first use
Improve SEG mesh export
Improved contours detection and RTSTRUCT export
Change transfer syntax tool (s. Export menu)
Encapsulated Uncompressed Explicit VR Little Endian transfer syntax
Signed Windows executables
Improved De-identify
DICOM Application Level Confidentiality Profile 2021b
All PS3.15 Table E.1-1 options
Built-in help
Optionally randomly generate common names
Optionally set Patient Name and Patient ID
Optionally rename files and folders
Add De-identification Method Code Sequence
Available in Aliza MS 1.6.0+ and Aliza 2.1.0+
Multi View
Improved ROI to mesh, caps options
Improved contours to binary, spacing options
View short introductory videos on Youtube channel (new)
DICOM Viewer
Compressed images
Fast directory scanner, DICOMDIR
View uniform and non-uniform series in physical space
Ultrasound incl. proper measurement in regions, cine
Intersections in study
2D+t, 3D+t animations
Grayscale softcopy presentation
SR (structured report)
RTSTRUCT contours
2D and 3D views with many tools
Medical Imaging
Registration (Elastix front-end)
Fusion (e.g. PET-CT)
100+ filters
SR (structured report)
Mesh to binary, labels to mesh and other segmentation tools
Medical imaging formats (import/export): MetaIO, Nrrd, Nifti
Meshes (import/export): DICOM, VTK, OBJ, STL
Draw and detect contours
DICOM export
DICOM tools
Save and edit DICOM metadata